Math Simulator - your companion to mathematics...

Solving Non - Linear Equations

Math Simulator provides you a friendly interface to solve non - linear equations. Inherently, Math Simulator uses the numercical approaches viz. Newton Raphson Method, Bisection Method and False Position Method to solve these equations.

Math Simulator asks you first to enter the equation involving algebraic/trigonometrical functions/logarithmic/exponential expressions and then you have to provide the number of decimal digits up to which the accuracy is required. And then you just have to push a button called Compute Root.

Bisection method, first calculates the upper bound and lower bound with 0.1 as difference.( i.e lower bound - upper bound = 0.1 ). It then further calculates the actual root of the equation using bisection approach.

In Newton Raphson Method, the formula is applied efficiently and minimum number of iterations are carried out in order to find a root of equation.

In False Position method, like that of Bisection method we first find upper bound and lower bound and then further calculates the root by the application of the Regula Falsi method.

As we know, that numerical techniques are not always convergent so there is a chance of not providing results but it happens rarely.

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