Math Simulator is capable of performing Integration using the well known numerical techniques like Trapezoidal and Simpson's 1/3 rule.
Math Simulator asks the user to enter some function in x and provide either the number of intervals or enter the step difference. After this, user has to specify lower limit and upper limit and then just push a button to integrate.
As in all other utilities, a table is maintained and displayed to help the user in understanding the mechanism to calculate. Math Simulator provides you with every thing you need to know about the procedure of solving the problem.
In Trapezoidal, the number of intervals and step difference can be entered according to question or requirement. But more the number of intervals more the accurate result will be.
In Simpson's 1/3 rule, you have to be cautious for providing the number of intervals as it needs to be even. This constraint is is context with the Simpson's rule.
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